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cm to mm

Welcome to cm to mm, our website about the centimeters to millimeters conversion.

Here, we basically answer the question how many millimeters are in a centimeter and tell you how to convert these metric units of length using the formula.

We also have a converter you will like.

If you have found this page by searching for centimetres to millimetres, then you are right here as well of course.

On this site we use the American spelling meter, as opposed to the international spelling metre, also for the submultiples cm and mm.

Read on to learn everything about the cm mm conversion.



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How to convert cm to mm?

A meter (m) is the base unit of length in the metric system defined by the International System of Units.

A centimeter (cm) is equal to 1/100 of a meter, and a millimeter is equivalent to 1/1000 of a meter.

From this follows that one centimeter is ten millimeters.

Now let’s look at how to change centimeters to millimeters: you multiply the length in centimeters by 10.

The cm to mm formula is [mm] = [cm] x 10.

For example, 1 cm = 10 mm, and 2.5 cm = 25 mm.

With this in mind you know that the answer to the questions how many mm in cm and how many centimeters are in a millimeter is 10.

However, for your convenience we have made a converter cm to mm which you can find in the previous section.

Our calculator changes the length while you type.

About our cm to mm Converter

Our calculator is located near the top of this article.

The length entered in cm will automatically be converted to mm.

Use a decimal point for fractions, and note that you can “swap” the units by writing your input in the result field.

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Have a look at the search form in the sidebar. There, you can find many conversions we have already conducted for you.

Enter, for example, x centimeter to millimeter; x denoting the length, width or height in centimeters you want to change.

Frequent conversions can also be found in the sidebar of this page.

How many millimeters in a centimeter?

You already know that the answer to how many millimeters in a centimeter is ten.

The metric prefix centi (c) denotes 1/100 and the metric prefix milli (m) stands for 1/1000.

Thus, the milli to centi ratio is always 10:1. With this in mind you know how to change any units, not just centimeter to millimeter.

Frequent conversions in this category are, for example:

In the next paragraph you can find frequently asked questions and the summary of this page.

cm to mm conversion

As you have seen, this conversion is a simple multiplication by the factor of ten, a mental arithmetic everyone can perform. 1 cm = 10 mm and 0.1 cm = 1 mm.

In other metric units of length:

1 cm = 0.01 m
1 cm = 0.1 dm (decimeter)

In conclusion, one hundredth of a meter is equal to one centimeter.

And one thousandth of a meter is equivalent to one millimeter.

Here you can find all about mm to cm.

So we are coming to the end of our article summarized by the following image:

We have made this website to help people which are not familiar with metric units because they usually calculate the width, length or height of any object inches and feet.

If you would like to memorize the conversion recall that the centimeter and the millimeter are sub-multiples of the meter, 1/100 and, 1/1000, respectively.

And the unit meter, since 1983, has defined as the distance light travels in a fixed fraction of a second.

The term “meter” is derived from the Greek verb and substantive for measure.

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Thanks for visiting mmtom.org.

More information:

– Article written by Mark, last updated on November 30th, 2023